Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What is the meaning behind the happy/sad mardi gras masks that are used soemtimes for decoration?

The Happy/Sad masks are the symbols of Comedy and Tragedy, different types of plays.What is the meaning behind the happy/sad mardi gras masks that are used soemtimes for decoration?
Comedy/Tragedy Greek theatrical masksWhat is the meaning behind the happy/sad mardi gras masks that are used soemtimes for decoration?
They represent traditions which go all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome. They represent comedy and tragedy which were part of the ancient theater where masks were needed to help convey the message of the character. Some masks are still constructed to act like a megaphone which help project the voice over a larger area of the ancient theater where there were no microphones . However, many of the modern masks do not follow that tradition.

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