Saturday, December 12, 2009

I want a comedy and tragedy masks tattoo, but i dont know where i should get it on my body?

also, i tried looking online for images of the masks to have tattooed on me and i didnt find ne that i liked, so if ne1 could find a design for me that would be awesome! I know that i would not want it on my wrists or hips.I want a comedy and tragedy masks tattoo, but i dont know where i should get it on my body?
You should consider the upper arm as placement for your masks. Its easy to show off tattoos there, easy to hide them, and a very painless place to get the tattoo. My upper arm tattoo was NOTHING compared to say my back tattoo or my wrist tattoo.

And if you want a traditional set of masks, don't settle for anything less. Find a tattoo artist that does realism really well and have him or her be the one to design you the evillish masks. Tell him or her exactly what you just told all of us and you should get a really good tattoo out of the deal.

Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming tattoo.I want a comedy and tragedy masks tattoo, but i dont know where i should get it on my body?
With the masks tattoos, the best place to have it is on your upper back, closer to your shoulder. I think that is a sexy spot to have it on. But, here is a link to a website that has traditional and evilish masks.|mask||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|鈥?/a>
Left shouder blade, close to the top. If it's gonna be small, the back of the neck looks classy.
For some reason, I really like how this one looks:鈥?/a>
Maybe a little one on your ankle or lower leg?鈥?/a>

You could mix up the colors on that one, maybe.
on your upper back!

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