Saturday, December 12, 2009

Which body shop facial mask is best?? Easy 10 points?!?

hey can someone tell me like, have u guys heard of the body shop? someone tell me which MASK is the best for combination, very blemished skin? someone tell me plz? kay, thanx!


-Blue corn 3 in 1

-heating minerals

-Seaweed ionic clay

-Tea Tree oil (highly considering just need to make sure)

-Honey oat 3 in 1

and im looking to brighten up my face, so if i go with the tea tree one

what will work for brightening up my face, like, u know, making it lighter? and getting rid of scars? also, do i need to moisturize? these are the questions that haunt me, well, anyways, thanx!Which body shop facial mask is best?? Easy 10 points?!?
Hello there,

There are three really important things you can do immediately to help stop breakouts with out dishing out allot of money.

1. Exercise, this helps you sweat and exfoliate your skin. Remember when you exercise the more you sweat the more your are doing for your skin. It makes no sense to exercise and not sweat hard.

2.Watch what your eating,( i.e. sweets, sodas) something in your food could possibly be the cause of your breakouts. Also stress has been linked to cause breakouts too.

3. Take a visit to your dermatologist about prescribing you some medication.

4. Find a really good Anti-bacterial soap. I use Neem soap. It's very good on the skin, fights the bacteria thats deep in your pores, and leaves it feeling really clean and glowing. This is a good site to find it ...Ethnic Foods Company

After you've done these really effective things you can go purchase Aloe Vera Leaf. Its natural, fresh and cost no more than $2 bucks. You can find the m at your local farmers market or Publix. If you cut it open and apply it to your skin it has anti-inflammatory properties that will help heal your skin very quickly, and minimize the appearance of dark spots. Trust me out of all of the medication I've tried, this is the only thing that I swear by. Its cheap and it actually works. Try this first before you go buying any spot medication, they are usually just gimmicks and people waste allot of money on them every year.

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