Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What if you sleep with a toothpaste mask on every night, would that get your skin clear really good?

Just wondering? Because they say if you put toothpaste on a zit it will go away by morning. Well what if you just slept overnight with a huge mask all over your face of tooth paste on my face every night? Would that keep my skin clear very well.What if you sleep with a toothpaste mask on every night, would that get your skin clear really good?
NO toothpaste will just dry your face it has no zit fighting ingredients! Just get some proactiv.What if you sleep with a toothpaste mask on every night, would that get your skin clear really good?
NOOO. ONLY apply toothpaste to your pimples, because the reason it makes them go aways because it dries them out. if you apply it to your whole face, your face will be flaky and dry in the morning. also, toothpaste isnt the best thing you could use. you could use an oatmeal mask, or if you have blackheads an aspirin and honey mask.
Only non gel toothpaste (just the white crap in like old crest) is good for acne because it dries it out. But if you did it every night it would be a bit much for your skin. I'd just get a regular face mask creme for acne and wear it once a week or so. And use astringent nightly to get rid of oil before you go to bed. Also, washing your pillow case often helps minimize oil.
It would probably depend on the brand of toothpaste.And I wouldn't recommend you using very strong toothpaste because it will damage your skin and clog pores.you should stick with a store bought one make a homeade one.

I found this recipe online a year or two ago and it's really great:

This face mask is suitable for all skin types and is super simple to prepare. It will cleanse and rejuvenate your skin.

Prep Time: 3 minutes


1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground

1 tbsp live, organic yogurt (skip the flavored stuff)

A few drops of honey


Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl and mix together.

Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm a spoon under hot water for a minute, then add a few drops of honey to the spoon.

Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmeal mixture.

Apply the mask to the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with several splashes of warm water. Follow with a warm washcloth.

Apply moisturizer. =)

Hope I helped
Please don't. I tried it when I was a teen with the same catastrophic results that some of these other people had. It's not going to be good. People started believing toothpaste works on zits because it has some drying ingredients in it... But it will just irritate your skin because of all the other ingredients. Any salicylic or benzoyl peroxide product (if your not allergic) will work just fine for treating acne... and I bet a lot of them will be cheaper and less messy than toothpaste.
Yes because toothpaste like has this type of alcohol in it which is bad for you to swallow and that is really why you don't swallow toothpaste and my big sister had these zits on her face and she did not know how to get rid of them so she put toothpaste on her face so it will go away and it did and it was amazing !
Tooth paste can really sting, I would recommend baking soda and water, and make it into a paste. Put it on the pimple and put a band aid over it. It does the same thing. I would also say get a skin care regimen, and wash your face every night. I really like pro-active and I have used it since I was 18.
Toothpaste merely drys up zits, like any other over-the-counter formula.

I highly recommend a mint julep face masque (they sell tubes of it in any drug store and are very cheap) if you are going to try this because tooth paste will get all over your pillow, sheets, and blankets...and your boyfriend/girlfriend or pets if they sleep with you xD

Good luck and I hope this helps! :)
Don't use toothpaste and never sleep with toothpaste on your face, your face can get a reaction, toothpaste also burns the skin. Use special skin stuff and usually the packet says to leave it on for a certain amount of time, It may cost a bit, but it's way better than toothpaste.
You would wake up with a dry red peeling face with more zits than you went to be with. Dont do it. Use a acne cleanser and moisturizer ever morning and night, that will help to keep your skin clear. If you have a big breakout use a spot treatment on the individual zit.
Oh my gosh, no! Just dab a little over the pimples/zits and it'll dry them out. It's really good if you have oily skin, like me. But putting a whole mask of it on will dry out your skin and irritate it horribly. Trust me, I've done it. Neutrogena products are excellent, epecially the Advanced Solutions (Walmart sells it for around $20) and Proactiv is really good as well. Hope this helps! (:
well maybe not a mask lol..

but i got a big zit one time and put toothpast directly on it and only the zit and the next day it was much smaller!!!

i doubt it could keep your skin clear... it only works clearing it up!!


answer mine?

No way wot if you rub it in your eyes in your sleep, dont do it...I got my daughter some natio young, it comes with moisturiser,clenser and toner its designed for young skin and hers is looking realy good now no more breakouts and it was only $20.00 for the 3 items...good luck...
no dont do it. it is supposed to dry out the zit but it doesnt- it just clogs your pores. I have tried this and when i took it off n the morning i had a big red spot on my forhead because the toothpaste irritated my skin. I'd have to advise against it hun.

Your skin will be very dry if you do that, other than that i don't know if the fluoride will cause other problems, i probably would blow caution to the wind on the toothpaste mask lol.
i actually read in a magazine one time that toothpaste is actually bad for ur skin so i wouldn't recommend wearing a whole lot of it at night. i don't see how a little everynow would hurt tho....
Don't do that. I've tried toothpaste on the skin and it just burned my skinned and made the acne worse 'cause it clogged the pores. Go to your doctor and see what they would recommend.
I really don't think sleeping with a toothpaste mask is a smart thing to do, think harsh (bleach, fluoride,etc.) chemicals. But the upside would be you'd wake up smelling minty fresh!
No it won't work! Trust me I've tried it before! If you want pimples gone fast try benzaderm 20%. Trust me those pimples will be gone in 6 hours if you go with a higher percentage on this product!
i wouldnt suggest that because toothepast really doesnt work that well. and if you cake it on your face it will just begin to clog your pores, making them worse than from the beginning. try home made face masks instead

I bet you tried it and really are wondering if you're the only one who actually did do it.

So did your face mess up? Or did it just go really dry?
lmao. I wish you would post pictures of this. No dont do it, it will be a terrible event. But if you do, post the piccys.
I have tried putting toothpaste on individual pimples, and it does shrink them alot, but I don't think I would put it all over my face...
That is just an old wives tale. Tooth paste actually clogs your pores and makes you get more pimples. Trust me, I tried it and the results were catastrophic.
toothpaste actually irritates your skin, i wouldnt recomend putting it on even one zit let alone plastering it all over your face :)
Chances are it would dry up your face, especially if you did it every night so i would not reccomend it.
toothpaste on a zit works

so it would prolly work all over your face over night.

altough. you will prolly make a huge mess all over your bedsheets and pillows. ha. ;]]
Toothpaste always made my and my friends pimples scar so bad idea
don't do that! toothpaste actually irritates your skin.
What?! ive never heard of this? im gonna try it!

eventhough my parents will think im crazier than what they think!!!


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