Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can you help me get some design ideas for a mask?

In my art class we are currently doing masks of our own faces with ';Plaster of Paris';. (but we are molding it and adding on later)

I was wondering what design should I paint on the mask?

I just need an idea to begin with because I'm am kind of having a creative block.

I was thinking maybe doing a design all over the face using words, or maybe not.

Ideas and/or pictures are appreciated:)Can you help me get some design ideas for a mask?
Close the eyes and remember the face you like utmost . Try to figure it out , and have the rough mask first, see it , make changes , till you are satisfied. Any amount of other remarks will not satisfy you, till your mind and soul is satisfied. This is divine and creative job , to be prerformed by self and examining feasibilities every whereCan you help me get some design ideas for a mask?
Try to do something that reflects YOUR personality.
get off the computer and away from your cell phone and ipod. go for a walk by yourself in a quiet place. sit down and think and observe things around you for a bit. take a pencil and paper (not your laptop) with you and just start writing words - any words that come to your mind for about 5-8 minutes. This act of handwriting away from other stimulation gets your creative cells working. Do not be judgemental about what you are writing. just whatever comes into your head. if you are on a roll and want to keep writing till youare tired, do that too. now, walk home, and sit at your desk and read what you wrote. pick out some words or phrases that seem interesting. go with it. this is a number one creative exercise that people pay money to go to classes to learn!!!
a great way to get ideas is go to google.com images and punch in masks you get all kinds of websites, one mask i did that really came out good was taking the comics from the sunday paper and colleging it onto the face mask..then high glossing it it turned out really good also another one was paint it all black and then put metallic powders over it. I did these in several metallic colors and they all looked fantastic. you can also go to diynetwork.com and get alot more ideas..
make a collage of things that interest or express who you are. take a digital photo of the collage and use an lcd projector to project the photo onto your mask. trace the projection with pencil and paint or collage directly onto the mask.
Google ';Kwakiutl mask'; for an awesome design.

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